
January 2025 Full Moon

Hello beautiful soul,

The first full moon of 2025 illuminates the night sky on January 13th at 5:27 PM or 2:26 PM PT. Known as the Wolf Moon, it takes its name from the howls of wolves echoing through the cold winter months. Wolves, often seen as symbols of strength, intuition, and freedom, inspire this moon's themes of personal empowerment, shedding old patterns, and embracing transformation. Glowing in the nurturing sign of Cancer, this celestial event encourages spiritual renewal and heartfelt introspection. It beckons us to tune into our emotions, trust our instincts, and step boldly into a new chapter of growth and self-discovery

Cancer is the moon’s astrological home...She absolutely loves being here at home in Her own sign. It is January and the turning of the wheel into a new year sets the tone for the coming year. And what do we have to work with? A moon that mirrors the ever-changing emotional landscape within us all, swimming in the waters of emotion. Full moons symbolize completion, culmination, and illumination. The Cancerian touch creates the energy to help you strip away the noise, so you can honor your emotional knowing, your deepest needs, and the sacredness of your own energy. It is a full Moon asking that we create space to feel, listen, and receive the wisdom travelling through your emotional body.

As we welcome the new year, many of us might feel as though we're moving through quicksand, struggling to build momentum in our pursuits. This sluggishness is influenced by Mars in Retrograde, which remains especially active throughout January. It’s as if every step forward is met with two steps back. Mars Retrograde challenges us to release old, outdated patterns that sap our energy and keep us stuck. Instead, this cosmic influence invites us to turn inward under this lunation, using the Moon’s light and energy to illuminate what truly matters. It’s a time to establish sacred boundaries around our needs and desires, focusing on self-care and aligning with our truest intentions.

This is profound inner work. Cancer is calling us home, to the mother energy that is nourishing…trusting that we feel at home in our being, grounded with earth star and root energy. Though outward progress may seem slow or stagnant, the inner transformation unfolding is powerful and profound. Trust that even in moments of stillness, deep and meaningful growth is occurring.

On February 1st we celebrate Imbolc, the pagan holiday that honors the first glimpses of spring. It is a time of going within, tending the home, new beginnings and fire, connecting with our heart and healing and caring for ourselves. It is what this moon is calling for as well. Remember, this is also a time of magickal energy related to the feminine aspect of the goddess, so with the moon being a symbol of the divine feminine, focus on increasing your own magickal gifts and abilities as well…become the healing, medicine, love, presence, and nurturing self that we are craving – for ourselves, and with ourselves…

So, my lovelies, let’s dance into this year in a way that is true to who we are, and who we are here to be. Enjoy the moon, and practice your magick

*Moon Activating Breath*

 Chandra bhedana connects to the feminine ida nadi, and involves closing the right nostril, and breathing only through the left nostril. This Pranamaya practice is said to cultivate calmness, coolness and more feminine aspects within the subtle body, and an effective way to prepare the body for meditation, yoga nidra or sleep...


*Create a Vision Board*

Vision boards act as a daily reminder of your aspirations, keeping them front and center. Gather magazines, print images, or use tools like Pinterest to create a visual representation of your dreams.


*Set Up a Sacred Self-Care Ritual*

Self-care fosters a deep connection to self. Treat yourself to luxurious baths, indulge in fragrant teas and take care of you. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable and supported. 2024 was one crazy year, & we could all use a little extra self-love as we move into a beautiful new year.


As a witch I have always used journaling to document my dreams and life’s daily moments. But it is so much more. Journaling can be a sacred act of introspection that guides you in managing your inner states for amplified success in magic and healing.

Hello Moonbeams!!!


We began this year with a Capricorn New Moon and are now concluding it under the same steadfast guidance of the goat. However, this is no ordinary New Moon. As 2024 draws to a close, a rare Black New Moon in Capricorn will peak on December 30 at 5:27 PM ET. This unique lunar event, marking the second New Moon in a single calendar month, provides a cosmic clean slate, empowering you to embrace change with enhanced clarity and determination.

Many spiritual practitioners regard the Black Moon as a mystical portal, granting profound access to higher realms of consciousness and divine wisdom. It is the ultimate year-end gift, offering a moment of grace to close a challenging year with the grounded stability of Capricorn. Symbolized by the sea goat, Capricorn represents the harmonious union of spiritual mastery and material achievement.

This mythical creature, part goat and part fish, navigates both the depths of the sea and the peaks of towering mountains. Despite lacking fins or proper hind legs, the sea goat’s determination and perseverance transform obstacles into triumphs.

This Black New Moon’s alignment with Neptune heightens the potential to weave dreams into reality, merging the ethereal with the tangible. For witches and spiritual seekers, this is an auspicious time to set powerful intentions, turning visionary goals and spiritual practices into concrete plans and purposeful action.

Now, we are called to shed what no longer serves our highest good, to step forward with clarity, resilience, and trust in our sacred power to shape a future aligned with our soul’s essence. This is a time for deep, intentional work—not fleeting wishes, but the planting of seeds that honor our core values and manifest a life that reflects our inner truth.

The potent energy of this moment beckons you to journey inward, to sit in stillness and listen to the whispers of your spirit. Ask yourself: What stirs the depths of my soul? What calls me toward my truest path? Embrace this as a divine opportunity to weave your dreams into reality,

setting intentions that resonate with the magic of your being and the wisdom of the universe.

Utilizing the Black Moon’s energy

Meditate, Journal, or Perform Rituals: Dedicate time to practices that focus on setting intentions, releasing the old, and welcoming new beginnings.

Explore Spiritual Practices: Engage in candle magick, vision board creation, or divination techniques such as tarot or oracle readings.

Personalize Your Ritual: Align your chosen practice with your unique intentions and spiritual beliefs to amplify its power.

Design a Sacred Space: Infuse your ritual space with the grounded and ambitious energies of Capricorn, incorporating symbols, crystals, or colors associated with the sign.

Declare Your Intention: Light a candle as a symbol of your focus, speak your goals aloud to set them into motion, and vividly visualize their successful manifestation.

As we end this year and welcome 2025, let this rare moon anchor you in your power, offering clarity, resilience, and trust in the journey ahead. Trust your heart will be your guiding light

Yule: The Winter Solstice



I love this special time of the year. It is the depth of winter and the start of the season of Yule. In the north, the ground is frozen, and nature is sleeping under a thick blanket of snow. Down here in the south the cooler temps are eased with the warmth of the sun. But no matter where you live, deep within the womb of the earth life is stirring - the sun is reborn.

Winter Solstice, celebrated with joy as Yule in many pagan traditions, holds a mystical place in the rhythm of the year. It is the longest night for those above the equator, a sacred pause before the return of the light. This moment marks the Wheel of the Year’s turning, a symbolic calendar guiding witches and modern pagans through the eternal flow of time. The Wheel invites us to honor the natural rhythms that connect us to the earth, reminding us that even in the heart of darkness, light is ever on its way.

The word "Solstice" comes from the Latin roots "sol," meaning sun, and "sistere," meaning to stand still. While this sacred sabbat celebrates the return of the light, it also invites us to journey inward and embrace the darkness. During these shadowed days of winter, we are gently reminded to see the world not by the sun’s light, but by the glow of our own inner flame.

In Norse tradition, Yule was celebrated for 12 days, starting on the eve of the Winter Solstice when the sun dips to its lowest point in the sky. It is here, in the deep stillness of the longest night, that the Sun is reborn—a radiant symbol of hope, renewal, and the eternal cycle of death and rebirth. This is how the 12 days of Christmas came to be. They would decorate, feast, and dance. Evergreens were cut and brought indoors to symbolize life, rebirth and renewal. It is a mystical time to pause, to journey inward, and to reflect on the year that has passed. Gaze into the shadows of your fears, honor the risks you dared to take, grieve what you have lost, and cherish the light of joy you gave to others.

Feel the pulse of your own resilience, the fire within that has carried you through. Know that you are strong enough, brave enough, and luminous enough to step through the gate—or the flames of transformation (are you listening, Hecate?)—into the unfolding year. Stand still in this moment, honor the turning of the Wheel, and rise into the light as your most empowered self. Be fearless, -for you are your own sun...and you shine so bright.

This solstice give yourself the gift of tenderness and release…gather with others, light lanterns, set intentions that will grow with the warmth of the sun’s increasing light and celebrate the healing powers of the dark. Lastly, as we celebrate the stillness of this longest night, remember those who have left this physical world, those new souls who were born this year, and make a joint call for peace across the world. May Iris, Rhiannon, Hera, Lucina, Bona Dea, Frigga, Lucia and Freya show you the beauty of the season and bless you many times over.                          

Happy Winter Solstice & a most Blessed Yule...may it truly bring Peace & Healing…Love to all of you...


Symbols of Yule:
Yule log, or small Yule log with 3 candles, evergreen boughs or wreaths, holly, mistletoe hung in doorways, gold pillar candles, baskets of clove studded fruit, a simmering pot of wassail, poinsettias, Christmas cactus. Hint- Keep a sprig of holly near the door all year long as a constant invitation for good fortune.

Herbs of Yule:
Bayberry, blessed thistle, evergreen, frankincense holly, laurel, mistletoe, oak, pine, sage, yellow cedar.

Foods of Yule:
Cookies and caraway cakes soaked in cider, fruits, nuts, pork dishes, turkey, eggnog, ginger tea, spiced cider, wassail, or mead

Incense of Yule:
Pine, cedar, bayberry, cinnamon.

Colors of Yule:
Red, green, gold, white, silver, yellow, orange.

Stones of Yule:
Rubies, bloodstones, garnets, emeralds, diamonds.

Activities of Yule:
Caroling, burning the Yule log, decorating the Yule tree, exchanging of presents, kissing under the mistletoe, honoring Kriss Kringle the Germanic Pagan God of Yule

Ritual Spells of Yule:
Peace, harmony, love, and increased happiness.


Celebrate the season with some Solstice/Yule Incense:

2 parts Fir needles

1 part clove

1 part frankincense tears

1 part myrrh resin

5 star anise seeds

½ part amber resin

Mix all together. If frankincense, myrrh and the amber are not moist enough to stick add a bit of honey to the mix. This will definitely bind your loose incense. Make sure to dry completely. Use in incense warmer or burn on a charcoal disk set in fireproof bowl.

Witches Brew

1 bottle good-quality dry red wine (pinot noir or merlot work well)
¼ cup good brandy
½ small orange, sliced
2” piece of fresh ginger root, peeled and sliced
13 whole cloves
6 star anise, whole
3 cinnamon sticks
1 teaspoon black peppercorn
¼ cup coconut sugar, optional

Uncork the wine and pour it into a cauldron. With intent, add each of the remaining ingredients. Give the brew a good, clockwise swirl to mingle all the flavors. Now light your fire on very low, cover, and allow the blend to heat up slowly, for at least 20 minutes. Take care not to let it boil. When you are ready, take the lid off, revealing the fragrance and splendor of it all! Ladle into heat-safe glasses or earthen mugs. Serves 8

Hello Moonbeams!!! Embrace the power of the twins, sweeties…it’s Gemini time!!!

The final Full Moon of 2024 will rise on Sunday, December 15th at 4:02 AM ET (1:02 AM PT). The ancient pagans called this moon the "Moon Before Yule." With the Winter Solstice/Yule occurring on December 21st, this marks the culmination of the moon's seasonal journey. In astrology, the Full Moon phase brings illumination, casting light on truths that have been hidden in the shadows or buried in the subconscious, bringing them into conscious awareness.

The early morning hours, from 4 AM to 6 AM, are particularly potent for spiritual and ritual work, as it is believed that the veil between the physical and spiritual realms is thinnest during this time. While December is traditionally the twelfth month in numerology, 2024’s collective energy vibrates with the number “eleven,” a number that represents spiritual awakening, creativity, and inspiration from higher realms.

As the wheel completes its transit, this is a powerful time to reflect and ask yourself, “What is working? What is no longer serving me?” The Full Moon offers the perfect opportunity to embrace the clarity and insight that comes with the light.

Hello Moonbeams!!!

The magical month of December has arrived, ushering in the year's final New Moon—a celestial event that beautifully bridges two months. This lunation rises at 10:21 p.m. PT on Nov. 30 and 1:21 a.m. ET on Dec. 1, perfectly aligning with the transition to a fresh calendar month. There's something special about the New Moon coinciding with the start of a new month, symbolizing a clean slate & the perfect time for fresh endeavors. This New Moon takes place in the adventurous and free-spirited sign of Sagittarius, inviting us to embrace new philosophies and expand our perspectives on life. While this dark moon won’t be visible in the night sky, its energy is potent and ideal for manifestation, calling in the intentions and goals you want to realize. Amid the uncertainties of today’s world, this lunar transit feels like a gift, offering us a chance to reset and reimagine our approach to life. It is the quintessential fresh-start energy that makes it easier to release the past and open to boundless possibilities ahead.

Reflecting on the past year, it’s clear it has been a whirlwind of uncertainty, challenges, and profound shifts. The cosmos has been delivering messages all along, urging us to embrace change, transformation, and growth. Now is the time to heed those calls. This New Moon marks a deeply healing cycle—like the Archer’s bow, it encourages you to aim with precision, focusing on intentions rooted in your deepest desires, personal truths, and fearless aspirations. Most importantly, it invites you to trust your inner vision. With Mercury retrograde in full swing during this New Moon, launching brand-new endeavors might feel a bit challenging. Miscommunications can arise, and areas like technology and travel may encounter hiccups. However, this doesn’t diminish the potential of this moment. Instead, use this New Moon’s energy to nurture the seeds of new dreams taking root within you. It’s a powerful opportunity to release outdated beliefs and worn-out ideals, creating space for fresh perspectives and possibilities as you step confidently into the new year. Let it serve as a gentle yet powerful reminder that with every chapter’s close, a new one begins. 

Want to align with the dark moon phase? Begin by reflecting on areas of your life where you’re ready to welcome change or crave greater freedom. Set intentions that align with Sagittarius themes of self-discovery and growth. Rituals like meditative journeys or envisioning future possibilities can help you connect with this lunar energy. Incorporate supportive tools such as crystals, herbs, or essential oils to deepen and enrich your spiritual practice. As the Wheel of the Year turns toward the Winter Solstice, it is time to embrace the quiet of the dark and consider the future. Our luminous Moon Goddess invites us to tune into our emotional selves, restore balance, and move forward with purpose. If you’ve been yearning for a significant transformation, this celestial energy is here to propel you toward it.

With 2024 nearing its end let this energy be your starting point—an opportunity to step boldly into something new. The best is yet to come. I feel it & I know it.

Hello Beautiful Souls

On November 15th (4:28 pm ET/1:28 pm PT) the Full Moon rises in the slow steady sign of Taurus.  In goddess lore the November Full Moon belongs to Baba Yaga. Her themes are harvest, rest, regeneration and thankfulness. She reawakens in us an awareness of time’s ever-moving wheel, the seasons and the significance of both to our Goddess-centered magic. As the old wise woman, the crone, she reminds one to seek the wisdom that only age can bring.  Dark goddesses are fierce, loving and known to change things up. They help one see what is needed. They reawaken us to the awareness of time’s ever-turning wheel and the significance change brings to our lives. Their knowledge is needed now.

There is so much going on, specifically Pluto moving into Aquarius on the 19th, where he will remain until 2043.  This return will involve considerable upheaval…a period of massive transformation and change that will impact us for decades to come.  Topping all of this, Mercury will be going retrograde just 10 days later. You might wonder how to keep that part of you that dreams when you feel the ground is shaking and things are being flipped upside down in your world.

Taurus is all about emotional security and stability and your root chakra is the foundation, the center, my loves. It sets the stage for everything you want to do and become. Now is the time to elevate your self-care. Connect with nature, move your body—perhaps with some yin or restorative yoga—and nourish yourself with wholesome food and restful sleep. By staying rooted in the Earth, our Mother, we hold the fire to bring new light to the world. Stand strong and plant those roots deeply, for together at the crossroads, we choose the path of justice, love, and wisdom. As the wheel turns... Blessed Be.

Root Chakra Candle Ritual for the Taurus Full Moon

Prep your space…smudging with sage or palo. Light a red candle (associated with health, root chakra, power passion and energy) after dusk so you can study the flame. Full Moons calls one to release negative or stagnant energy-banishing what no longer serves you. Write down your intention on a piece of paper and stare into the candle while visualizing your desired outcome. When you feel ready, simply light the paper in the flame and let it burn away waving the smoke into your belly. Let the candle burn out on its own. Never blow the candle out. (4” chime candles are best).


(Black)- black tourmaline, obsidian, hematite (the iron), black coral, onyx, snowflake obsidian. (Brown)-tigers eye, shiva lingham, smoky quartz, garnet, red calcite, red jasper, rhodonite


Grounding oils such as patchouli, myrrh, lavender, cedarwood, geranium, vetiver, basil & sage  

Sarvam santih santir eva santih

May All Things Be Peaceful, the Peace of Peace!

Hello Magickal Beings…

Back into the watery depths we go with the Scorpio New Moon darkening the skies on November 1st.  As the days lengthen and winds intensify, there comes a sweeping tide of transformation, ushering us into a time of healing, spiritual connection, and deep enlightenment. This is your opportunity to embrace the alchemy of the moment and step into your power like never before. With emotional tides at their peak, this moon brings the chance of a new beginning as we face the darkness of the season with a new sense of purpose.

November is generally known as the eleventh month in numerology. However, November’s collective numerology for 2024 is “10” symbolizing Karmic fulfillment, divine guidance, power and positive change.  We are entering an era of massive energetic shifts, not only on a spiritual level but also within the political and social realms, as the structures of the old world continue to break down. This is THE month to break out the Tarot cards and seek out those spiritual vibes. It is no coincidence that the Scorpio New Moon is arriving while the veils are the thinnest and the season of the dark goddess has arrived. 

For many witches, the veil remains thin year-round, but as the sun moves into Scorpio, a heightened awareness of the spirit realms comes alive, amplifying the energies of the “spooky season.” This period, known as Lunar Samhain, is the midpoint between the Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice and directly follows Halloween. This Scorpio Moon opens a very powerful Samhain Portal, marking a time of profound closure and release. In these coming months, through to the Winter Solstice, any endings, releasing of karmic patterns, and commitments to transformation will hold deep, lasting significance.

This month, you may find yourself embarking on a powerful journey of self-discovery, self-love, and transformation. Scorpio, the sign of depth and mystery, encourages us to look beneath the surface and embrace our shadows. Known for themes of death and rebirth, Scorpio teaches us that true self-love involves honoring all aspects of ourselves, even the ones we usually keep hidden. This shadow work is profound magic, empowering us to embrace our whole being. With fierce, transformative energy, Scorpio drives us to rise, like Shakti in her full power, or Kali bringing renewal and rebirth where it's needed most.

Whether you’re harnessing the energy for spell work, Sex magic (Scorpio rules the genitals) or enhancing your intuitive abilities, Scorpio season invites you to connect with your inner power and embrace your true self.  Light some candles, grab your naughtiest toys and let’s explore the depths of Scorpio season together! 

It’s said that in dark times, the power of light grows, just as candlelight seems to brighten when the lights go out. The new moon glows with an inner light of hope, determination, and courage. Light a candle or lamp on the New Moon to offer a light of peace and prosperity into the world.

This is a good time to celebrate these festivals and Goddesses days…

November 14 – Diwali (Hindu Festival of Light) Lakshmi, Goddess of Abundance honored

November 14 – Kali Worship Day- The Goddess who breaks down the old to make way for the new

November 16 –Night of Hecate-Goddess of Magic and the Crossroads

For your ritual work…

Herbs of the Scorpio Moon: sage, basil, bloodroot, devils club, hibiscus, patchouli, uva ursi, foxglove, hops, horsetail, nettles, grape root, catnip, coriander 

Crystals of the Scorpio Moon: aquamarine, black tourmaline, labradorite, red jasper, rose quartz, sodalite

October Full Moon in Aries: Unleash Your Inner Warrior

Hello Beautiful Souls….

As we enter the spooky season with its share of pumpkin spice lattes, cozy nights, and crunchy leaves, Grandmother Moon peaks at 7:26 p.m. EST on October 17th. Full Moons usually bring a culmination of energy, but this one being in fiery Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, also carries within a passionate and pioneering energy. Aggressive and emotionally triggering, this full moon is not for the faint-hearted. It is time to light the fire beneath our cauldrons and set the sky ablaze! 
Shadows are lengthening and daylight hours are getting shorter, but in the approaching darkness a new light of possibility is shining. The world we live in is changing before we know it, and just weeks before the elections. It is time to pay attention to what the cosmos is communicating to you.  It’s time to stand with our hearts open and to look at what we have no. anted to address, together. On a collective level we are seeing an increase in action-based initiatives and peaceful protests around the planet as we are organizing and rising to bring about change. 

We are the Change.
As women, we hold the power of change within us. We are vessels of Lunar Energy, naturally aligned with the Moon's cycles, receiving and channeling its magical force in ways unique to our being. Now, more than ever, it’s time to step up and embrace the warrior within. This Aries Moon calls for action and courage—without anger or blame. A true warrior is disciplined, organized, and steady.

This year has been challenging, but as you intentionally step into your highest vibration, remember to stay grounded in Mother Earth and take deep, centering breaths. Speaking from the heart will help guide you through as life unfolds before you. Allow the weight of karmic release to melt away and embrace the energy as you passionately howl at the moon.

I wish you great joys, wild love and much abundance in this Witches New Year. And I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for being with me each month here. Tanto Amore!

To Honor this full moon...

  • Shadow work: As the Wheel of the Year turns inward towards the dark months, now is the time to turn to the Divine Feminine energy within us to release all that no longer clear baggage from the past that we have been holding on to and rid our mind and lives of negativity and fear.
  • A tea to honor the Samhain lunar cycle...brewed with hibiscus flowers, rose, cinnamon and orange peel, this garnet-colored, dramatic-looking tea makes a perfect drink to serve. Ingredients: 4 parts dried Hibiscus, 3 parts fresh orange peel, 2 parts dried tea roses, 2-parts star anise and 1 cinnamon stick. Steep in hot water and enjoy
  • Making Moon Water-on the night of the full moon, place a clear quartz crystal in a jar of purified water. (Can also make by the gallon). Place the vessel outside in a clear moonlit spot, making sure the jar is covered. When morning arrives, your water will be charged with lunar energy. Drink a bit every morning for body, mind & soul balance.

October 2024 New Moon

Hello Beautiful Souls….

Welcome gorgeous Librans… Fall is here, bundled up in a host of evocative smells—falling leaves, wood fires, fiery sunsets and pumpkin spice everything. Not only is the sky changing, but the energy around us is also shifting dramatically. With the days growing shorter, we move into a month filled with healing, spiritual communication, and enlightenment. Now is your chance to reset, tune into your higher self, and settle some karmic scores as October kicks off with a truly cosmic event…the first New Moon of autumn arriving with a powerful Solar Eclipse on October 2nd 2:49pm ET/11:49am PT.

Eclipses are celestial wild cards, known for their potential to shake things up but also for their ability to accelerate healing and growth. This month’s eclipse takes place near the South Node of the Moon, a point associated with shedding and release, paving the way for profound transformations. We stand at a crossroads with this eclipse, prompting us to reflect on how we engage with the world and envision our future. It’s a moment to look in the mirror and understand how we arrived at our current state, allowing us to awaken fully. This may inspire a willingness to advocate for what is right. We can view this eclipse season as a call to reassess our commitment to true justice. If you feel scattered by the eclipse energy, don’t worry—you’re not alone. The key to navigating this chaos lies in finding your own scales of justice and achieving balance amidst a tumultuous landscape.

Waning and New Moons have long been associated with new beginnings, serving as powerful moments to journey into the darkness and confront what needs to be released. During this time, we may experience unexpected twists and developments in relationships, spiritual growth, and finances. This could be precisely what our connections need: tactful honesty. It’s essential for us to express our truths, but we should first filter them through a Libran lens of balance and harmony. With Venus influencing this lunar energy, expect your personal love life and romantic relationships to come into focus, potentially revealing any imbalances. But don’t worry—Libra, though charming and sometimes indecisive (a trait I can relate to), knows how to cut through the BS and see things clearly.

Being there are two eclipses effecting Libra season, you'll want to refrain from doing any ritual work or magick at this time as eclipse energy can be chaotic. Grounding routines and tools will be especially helpful to protect your energy. Get ready by wholeheartedly committing to loving yourself! Your body and mind will benefit from regular self-care rituals. Shine a light, and don’t be fooled by anyone who tries to keep you in the dark.

Hello Beautiful Souls!!!

“but there’s a full moon risin’
let’s go dancin’ in the light”

~ Neil Young, Harvest Moon

The Full Harvest Moon rises in the mystical, watery sign of Pisces on September 17th.  Come dancing on this most magical night and let the healing and blessings flow! Under a watery Full Moon like this one, it is time to let the light of the moon shine into your life.

Tonight, also brings a rare and enchanting event—a Super Moon coinciding with a Lunar Eclipse! This powerful alignment of lunar energies offers a unique opportunity to connect with the Moon's magick. Super Moons are known for amplifying emotions and intuition, drawing out what we may need to release. Use this time to tap into your intuitive powers and let go of anything no longer serving you. Though it's a partial eclipse, the Moon will still shine bright and strong in the night sky. Take a moment to gaze up at Mother Moon and feel her strength.

In numerology, September resonates with the powerful vibration of the number 9. The number 3, long associated with harmony and wisdom, when multiplied by itself (3 x 3), brings us to 9. In Tarot, the number 3 corresponds to the Empress, and the Triple Moon or Triple Goddess reflects the three stages of the goddess: maiden, mother, and crone. This lunar energy urges you to settle into your soul, seeking clarity in your thoughts and emotions. Now is the time to "harvest" the results of the seeds sown months ago. Just as light and dark find balance, so must we. By stepping away from constant rational thought and reconnecting with our emotions, we achieve balance and truly shine.

As Pisces is ruled by water, you might find yourself feeling especially emotional and sensitive during this time. With the added influence of the Lunar Eclipse, along with Pisces, Neptune, and Saturn's energy, you may also experience extra fatigue. Be sure to get plenty of rest and recharge after anything demanding. This exhaustion can manifest not just physically, but also mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

On September 22nd, the Sun leaves Virgo and enters Libra, marking the Fall Equinox (Mabon), a celebration of the new season and a shift in energy. It’s the halfway point of the year, when light and dark are in balance. Libra, known for its focus on equality and harmony, offers the balance we need to stand strong in our authentic selves and move forward with clarity.

Rituals and Practices

Rituals during the Harvest Moon are centered on gratitude, transformation, and preparation.

Moon Water and the Harvest Moon…fill some jugs with water and set out under the moonlight. Adding a piece of selenite to honor Selene, Goddess of the Moon or a Rose Quartz, the universal stone of love, relationships and self-love. Add to bath water, clean your altar or sacred space, anoint objects with intention, dab on chakra points and charge your crystals or jewelry. This is sure to bring on that moonlight magick.

For Women: Drawing in the light of La Luna…

Stand under the light of this Full Harvest Moon and thank Her for Her wisdom or…one of the oldest methods of union with the moon was to lay nude beneath the Full Moon in the Full Moon Goddess Posture. This posture is also referred to as the Star Goddess Posture, and is an X formation, arms and legs spread out wide. Next anoint yourself with your favorite moon oil just below your navel forming a crescent. Staring steadily up into the face of the moon, mentally picture drawing the light into yourself with each deep breath. Women draw power through the navel-the center of a woman. 

Come dancing on this most magical night and let healing and blessings flow! 

Big love and moon day blessings