
October Full Moon in Aries: Unleash Your Inner Warrior

Hello Beautiful Souls….

As we enter the spooky season with its share of pumpkin spice lattes, cozy nights, and crunchy leaves, Grandmother Moon peaks at 7:26 p.m. EST on October 17th. Full Moons usually bring a culmination of energy, but this one being in fiery Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, also carries within a passionate and pioneering energy. Aggressive and emotionally triggering, this full moon is not for the faint-hearted. It is time to light the fire beneath our cauldrons and set the sky ablaze! 
Shadows are lengthening and daylight hours are getting shorter, but in the approaching darkness a new light of possibility is shining. The world we live in is changing before we know it, and just weeks before the elections. It is time to pay attention to what the cosmos is communicating to you.  It’s time to stand with our hearts open and to look at what we have no. anted to address, together. On a collective level we are seeing an increase in action-based initiatives and peaceful protests around the planet as we are organizing and rising to bring about change. 

We are the Change.
As women, we hold the power of change within us. We are vessels of Lunar Energy, naturally aligned with the Moon's cycles, receiving and channeling its magical force in ways unique to our being. Now, more than ever, it’s time to step up and embrace the warrior within. This Aries Moon calls for action and courage—without anger or blame. A true warrior is disciplined, organized, and steady.

This year has been challenging, but as you intentionally step into your highest vibration, remember to stay grounded in Mother Earth and take deep, centering breaths. Speaking from the heart will help guide you through as life unfolds before you. Allow the weight of karmic release to melt away and embrace the energy as you passionately howl at the moon.

I wish you great joys, wild love and much abundance in this Witches New Year. And I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for being with me each month here. Tanto Amore!

To Honor this full moon...

  • Shadow work: As the Wheel of the Year turns inward towards the dark months, now is the time to turn to the Divine Feminine energy within us to release all that no longer clear baggage from the past that we have been holding on to and rid our mind and lives of negativity and fear.
  • A tea to honor the Samhain lunar cycle...brewed with hibiscus flowers, rose, cinnamon and orange peel, this garnet-colored, dramatic-looking tea makes a perfect drink to serve. Ingredients: 4 parts dried Hibiscus, 3 parts fresh orange peel, 2 parts dried tea roses, 2-parts star anise and 1 cinnamon stick. Steep in hot water and enjoy
  • Making Moon Water-on the night of the full moon, place a clear quartz crystal in a jar of purified water. (Can also make by the gallon). Place the vessel outside in a clear moonlit spot, making sure the jar is covered. When morning arrives, your water will be charged with lunar energy. Drink a bit every morning for body, mind & soul balance.

October 2024 New Moon

Hello Beautiful Souls….

Welcome gorgeous Librans… Fall is here, bundled up in a host of evocative smells—falling leaves, wood fires, fiery sunsets and pumpkin spice everything. Not only is the sky changing, but the energy around us is also shifting dramatically. With the days growing shorter, we move into a month filled with healing, spiritual communication, and enlightenment. Now is your chance to reset, tune into your higher self, and settle some karmic scores as October kicks off with a truly cosmic event…the first New Moon of autumn arriving with a powerful Solar Eclipse on October 2nd 2:49pm ET/11:49am PT.

Eclipses are celestial wild cards, known for their potential to shake things up but also for their ability to accelerate healing and growth. This month’s eclipse takes place near the South Node of the Moon, a point associated with shedding and release, paving the way for profound transformations. We stand at a crossroads with this eclipse, prompting us to reflect on how we engage with the world and envision our future. It’s a moment to look in the mirror and understand how we arrived at our current state, allowing us to awaken fully. This may inspire a willingness to advocate for what is right. We can view this eclipse season as a call to reassess our commitment to true justice. If you feel scattered by the eclipse energy, don’t worry—you’re not alone. The key to navigating this chaos lies in finding your own scales of justice and achieving balance amidst a tumultuous landscape.

Waning and New Moons have long been associated with new beginnings, serving as powerful moments to journey into the darkness and confront what needs to be released. During this time, we may experience unexpected twists and developments in relationships, spiritual growth, and finances. This could be precisely what our connections need: tactful honesty. It’s essential for us to express our truths, but we should first filter them through a Libran lens of balance and harmony. With Venus influencing this lunar energy, expect your personal love life and romantic relationships to come into focus, potentially revealing any imbalances. But don’t worry—Libra, though charming and sometimes indecisive (a trait I can relate to), knows how to cut through the BS and see things clearly.

Being there are two eclipses effecting Libra season, you'll want to refrain from doing any ritual work or magick at this time as eclipse energy can be chaotic. Grounding routines and tools will be especially helpful to protect your energy. Get ready by wholeheartedly committing to loving yourself! Your body and mind will benefit from regular self-care rituals. Shine a light, and don’t be fooled by anyone who tries to keep you in the dark.

Hello Beautiful Souls!!!

“but there’s a full moon risin’
let’s go dancin’ in the light”

~ Neil Young, Harvest Moon

The Full Harvest Moon rises in the mystical, watery sign of Pisces on September 17th.  Come dancing on this most magical night and let the healing and blessings flow! Under a watery Full Moon like this one, it is time to let the light of the moon shine into your life.

Tonight, also brings a rare and enchanting event—a Super Moon coinciding with a Lunar Eclipse! This powerful alignment of lunar energies offers a unique opportunity to connect with the Moon's magick. Super Moons are known for amplifying emotions and intuition, drawing out what we may need to release. Use this time to tap into your intuitive powers and let go of anything no longer serving you. Though it's a partial eclipse, the Moon will still shine bright and strong in the night sky. Take a moment to gaze up at Mother Moon and feel her strength.

In numerology, September resonates with the powerful vibration of the number 9. The number 3, long associated with harmony and wisdom, when multiplied by itself (3 x 3), brings us to 9. In Tarot, the number 3 corresponds to the Empress, and the Triple Moon or Triple Goddess reflects the three stages of the goddess: maiden, mother, and crone. This lunar energy urges you to settle into your soul, seeking clarity in your thoughts and emotions. Now is the time to "harvest" the results of the seeds sown months ago. Just as light and dark find balance, so must we. By stepping away from constant rational thought and reconnecting with our emotions, we achieve balance and truly shine.

As Pisces is ruled by water, you might find yourself feeling especially emotional and sensitive during this time. With the added influence of the Lunar Eclipse, along with Pisces, Neptune, and Saturn's energy, you may also experience extra fatigue. Be sure to get plenty of rest and recharge after anything demanding. This exhaustion can manifest not just physically, but also mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

On September 22nd, the Sun leaves Virgo and enters Libra, marking the Fall Equinox (Mabon), a celebration of the new season and a shift in energy. It’s the halfway point of the year, when light and dark are in balance. Libra, known for its focus on equality and harmony, offers the balance we need to stand strong in our authentic selves and move forward with clarity.

Rituals and Practices

Rituals during the Harvest Moon are centered on gratitude, transformation, and preparation.

Moon Water and the Harvest Moon…fill some jugs with water and set out under the moonlight. Adding a piece of selenite to honor Selene, Goddess of the Moon or a Rose Quartz, the universal stone of love, relationships and self-love. Add to bath water, clean your altar or sacred space, anoint objects with intention, dab on chakra points and charge your crystals or jewelry. This is sure to bring on that moonlight magick.

For Women: Drawing in the light of La Luna…

Stand under the light of this Full Harvest Moon and thank Her for Her wisdom or…one of the oldest methods of union with the moon was to lay nude beneath the Full Moon in the Full Moon Goddess Posture. This posture is also referred to as the Star Goddess Posture, and is an X formation, arms and legs spread out wide. Next anoint yourself with your favorite moon oil just below your navel forming a crescent. Staring steadily up into the face of the moon, mentally picture drawing the light into yourself with each deep breath. Women draw power through the navel-the center of a woman. 

Come dancing on this most magical night and let healing and blessings flow! 

Big love and moon day blessings

Hello Beautiful Souls

The cosmos has a captivating dance in store for us as we embrace the New Moon in surreal Virgo on September 2nd. The dark moon offers us a moment to pause, reflect, and realign with our deeper purpose. Virgo, an earth sign ruled by Mercury, is known for its practicality, precision, and deep connection to the physical and natural world.

There is an awakening happening. As we stand at the threshold of a new astrological cycle, we invite you to embrace the transformative energy that surrounds us. The earthy vibes of Virgo encourage us to cultivate a sense of grounding while remaining flexible to the changes that lie ahead.

Now is the perfect moment to set intentions that align with your journey of self-improvement, health, and wellness. Whether you are considering a new fitness routine, a dietary shift, or seeking balance in your work-life schedule, the universe has aligned to support this reassessment of your daily life before the cosmic outages of eclipse season arrive. Consider carving out sacred time for rituals that nourish your soul, whether that be through self-care, energy healing, or simply spending quiet time in reflection. Ask yourself what will support your highest growth? What will improve your overall health?

The Aquarian moon showed us that it is past time to heal our planet as well…a time to re-kindle the spirit, creating the life and world we desire. While the global chaos can at times feel overwhelming, confusing, and even scary, we are now also witnessing an unparalleled wave of awakening, a collective remembrance of a more balanced and harmonious way of being on our planet Self-worth is the cornerstone of this manifestation. Dive deep into your worthiness this new Moon to understand your true self-worth (SOLAR PLEXUS TIME, MY LOVES!), and what practices and rituals you can implement into your everyday life that will help you heal and create the life you want. You are more than worthy of everything you’ve ever wanted.


Summer’s over and the Wheel of the Year is now turning towards Mabon (fall equinox)-Harvest time. This new moon in Virgo will offer beautiful energy for us to work with…harvesting with gratitude all that we’ve gained and allowing all else to drop away. If the changes you are facing are challenging, take a moment to quiet your mind and connect with your inner self. Remember, beautiful yogis, when you allow your true self to shine through, your soul will truly sparkle!


Solar Plexus New Moon Virgo Ritual

The Solar Plexus or third chakra is our powerhouse. We are guided by the Virgin, who in essence is “a woman whole onto self” and a powerful reminder to focus on the strength we have within. Virgo rules digestion-the stomach, colon and intestines- all connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra.

From this center we gather our strong will to implement change, follow through, and go after our goals. The element of the Solar Plexus chakra is fire, and when we keep this fire burning strong, we have all we need to move up into our hearts and beyond with strength and unwavering will. When your Solar Plexus is open and strong, so are you. 

  1. Call in the energy of the new moon with gratitude, beckoning Her wisdom.

  2. Dab your Solar Plexus blend on your palms and Solar Plexus. 

  3. With your eyes closed, cup your palms and inhale the uplifting scent with long, deep breaths visualize inhaling the strength of your own power. Exhale audibly out your mouth and release anything you don’t want to carry. Repeat for 3 full breath cycles or until you feel centered and relaxed


The Power of the Moon can hold a spell, The ebbing tides, the waves that swell The power of the moon both full & new, it steals your heart, this dance of night It frees your soul within its light, time has no place where shadows bloom The darkness shines with the Power of the Moon

Hey Moonchild! Are you ready???

The Aquarius Full Moon will light up the August sky, peaking on the 19th. Fishing tribes are given credit for the naming of this moon as the Sturgeon Moon because, well, they were most readily caught during this month. Other names this moon is known by are: “Green Corn Moon,” “Full Red Moon,” and “Hungry Ghosts Moon.” This is our last Full Moon before Eclipse Season begins, and we may feel the intensity rising. The celestial magick and mystique of this event holds the promise of transformation, unity, and illumination.

Free spirited, wild & unconventional energy is coming forward...yes, it is time to be our own unique selves and use our personal power for social change, social justice, and community. Under the luminous glow of this moon, we are reminded of our interconnectedness and the profound impact each of us holds in shaping a world of harmony and compassion. The Aquarian essence, refusing conformity, invites us to protest injustice and ignite a revolution of consciousness. Let go of resistance and fear, because now is the time to listen to the rebellious whispers of your heart and soul. Trust in the inevitable storm, for beyond it, the radiant sun of renewal awaits to bring clarity into our lives…forging a path to a place where we are One Planet and One Human Family.



I love to do moon rituals at night because grandma moon rules the dark skies, and everything feels more magickal, but choose a time that suits you….

✨Making a Lunar Infusion…lunar infusions are like making sun tea, but by the moon! Plenty of flowers and herbs are blooming now so the choices are unlimited! I personally love an overnight infusion of mugwort, rose, jasmine & sage. Why not create a different one on each Full Moon?

✨ Release and Let Go: Write down anything you wish to release from your life - negative habits, limiting beliefs, or emotional baggage. Symbolically release these burdens by burning the paper under the moonlight.

✨ This full moon is a perfect time to go to a sound bath or immerse yourself in sacred chant. All forms of sound therapy are magnified in the days surrounding this full moon, so be sure to chant your favorite mantra or sing your favorite song. And here is one of mine...Enjoy, my goddesses!

Power of Aroma, Intention & Manifestation

One of my favorite manifestation techniques incorporates aroma in combination with sacred mantras. According to Tantra of the Yoga Sutras, “Mantra actually changes the rhythm of your brain and takes you from the plane of the 5 senses into what I call a super consciousness in which you are tuned into unbound intelligence”.  Or in other words brings you to the brainwave frequency of Theta...that deep state of meditation where the mystical can occur. 

Sound & Intention

Yogic science teaches that the Universe is made of sound, and all matter vibrates at certain frequencies-the lower the vibration the more physical the change and higher vibrational frequencies produce more mystical, spiritual or deeply meditative results. According to yogic science there are 84 meridian (aka acupressure) points in the mouth. Each time you chant a mantra, you are striking the meridian points in a pattern that triggers the brainwaves and opens a pathway to higher consciousness. Mantras should be chanted in cycles of 108 repetitions, to allow the sound vibration to open and balance the 108 energy channels within the body. Which brings us to intention. Intention is the process of clearly communicating what you desire or the universe, deities, spirits, etc. This is the backbone of both manifestation and ritual...if you have the wrong intention, or an unclear one, it’s likely you won’t get the results you want. 


Aromatherapy has been used and studied for over 5,000 years. The oils influence our bodies and minds because our limbic system is directly connected to the areas of the brain that control heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, stress levels, hormone balance, and memory. Of our five senses, it is only our sense of smell that links directly to the limbic system aka “our emotional center”. Loss of the ability to smell is not a concern, as the benefits of Aromatherapy are realized due to the natural chemical constituents exerting their influence on the brain regardless of whether you can perceive them. Specific oils such as Frankincense, Vetiver, Sage, Pinon Pine, Patchouli and Ylang Ylang, all have the ability to quickly bring us into the state of Theta necessary for change to occur. So, grab your oils, pick your favorite mantra and enjoy the trip! 

August 2024

Hello Moonbeams!!!

And so, it is...Here we are again New Moon Lovers — a roaring lion of a moon on August 4th. The sign of Leo is the archetype of the leader-the powerful lion/lioness, the center of attention standing tall. Its’ very meaning is confidence, creativity and strength…talk about a paradox-Leo’s need to shine his/her light into the world and the dark New Moon. According to medical astrology, the sign Leo rules the heart space and the solar plexus inspiring one to lead from the heart space and let love govern.  A new moon is a reset, a fresh start, and a time of new beginnings, infused with hope and possibility. Leo energy calls you to radiate your brightest light, live from your truest heart, and tap into your highest power, embodying confidence, creativity, and leadership. Can you find it in yourself to shine brightly, no matter what fears, doubts, or insecurities arise? One of the best ways to navigate this is to pour that energy into expanding within and doing lots of work in the subtle realm (shadow work, journaling, meditating, breathwork, channeling divine guidance). Radical, Radiant, Self-Love!!! 

As Mercury prepares to turn retrograde (August 5th) in Virgo amidst the fiery celestial energies, it's a potent time for introspection and seeking higher wisdom. This is a time to look at projects, situations, problems, and even people in new ways. Mercury Retro on a New Moon brings relationships from the past into view. Maybe there is an old lover looking to reconnect? Finally, on Aug 28 Mercury will turn direct.


This celestial phenomenon is much more than a mere date on the calendar; it’s a transformative gateway that propels us into higher realms of consciousness. This spectacle occurs every year between July 26th and August 12th, reaching its peak on the 8th when the Sun and Sirius align in the sky. Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky and is known as the “Spiritual Sun”.  During this period, the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds becomes thinner, allowing us to access profound insights, wisdom, and spiritual guidance. It’s an opportune time for meditation, introspection, and soul-searching, as we can tap into our deepest desires and understand our life’s purpose with greater clarity.

So, on this Leo new moon, how will you step into your power in a radiant and powerful way?

• I love to decorate my altar on the new and full moon. For Leo, incorporate objects that symbolize the sun or the element of fire (Leo is a fire sign). That might be the colors red, orange, yellow, and gold, candles, incense, crystals, and anything that inspires you to be braver this season.
• Create a crystal grid: Harness the powerful Lion’s Gate energy by arranging crystals such as citrine, clear quartz, and selenite in a sacred geometric pattern. This grid will amplify and direct the portal’s energy towards your intentions and goals.

• Engage in a fire ceremony: Light a ceremonial fire and write down any limiting beliefs or negative patterns you wish to release. Offer these thoughts to the flames as you embrace transformation and invite positive changes into your life.

• Bathing is a blissful way to take care of yourself, create space for self-reflection and increase the sacredness and power of a water ritual.

There is something magickal about the symbolism of washing away the old and welcoming the new. Choose your favorite essential oils, crystals and flowers and add to your bath salts. Whether Dead Sea, Himalayan or another blend, salts cleanse and remove negative energy from the body. Light some candles and play some relaxing music. Surrender to the time, sit in the stillness of the new moon and soak in the new energy created.

Until next time....... Keep shining!

First Harvest Blessings

Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, is a festival that marks the start of the harvest season as well as the halfway point between Litha, the Summer Solstice and Mabon, the Fall Equinox. This festival of light and gratitude, celebrated on the 1st of August, is the first of 3 autumn harvest festivals followed by Mabon (Sept. 21) and Samhain (Oct 31). Three gatherings of harvesting, of introspection, transition and transformation....all deeply tied into thanksgiving and gratitude...encouraging us to to take stock of our personal development, acknowledge what has been accomplished and identify areas where either growth is needed or releasing what no longer serves us. 

At Lammas the Goddess is in Her aspect as Grain Mother, Harvest Mother, Harvest Queen, Earth Mother, Ceres and Demeter. Earlier civilizations used  the day to thank the waning Sun for the wealth of the wheat harvest and bestow gratitude to the earth mother for the provided sustenance. And best of all, the translation of this holiday’s name literally means “Loafmass or "loaf feast.” Like a holiday about bread!!  As we move through harvest, the turning of the wheel will bring both inner and outer gifts and insights to you. May the rest of your summer shimmer with bountiful delights.

With love & magick, Debbi

Rituals, Symbols & Things to Do

  • · Gods & Goddesses: Lugh, Ceres, Demeter, Dionysus, Cerridwen.
  • · Flowers & Herbs: fennel, sunflower, basil, honeysuckle, rosemary,
  • Food: grains, bread, berries, grapes, wine.
  • Crystals: carnelian, citrine, tiger’s eye, amber
  • ·Create a Lammas Altar-objects, crystals, seasonal plants
  • Bake a fresh loaf of bread
  • Have a seasonal feast with family and friends

Create an Herb Pouch for Abundance

Gather the following:

  • A green candle
  • tbsp each of dried basil and dried peppermint
  • Cinnamon stick
  • Peridot stone
  • 1 green pouch with string to tie it up

Light your candle while centering yourself. Now add each dried herb , the stone and cinnamon stick. Peppermint brings abundance and prosperity, while Basil brings abundance and success. Cinnamon...strength and lastly energy & wealth. Now tie up your pouch, hold it to your heart center, close your eyes and say: ‘Abundance and prosperity I wish to of the earth brings these gifts onto me. Close the ritual by acknowledging the Harvest Goddess  as you allow your candle to burn down. 

Craft your Lammas Altar

Crafting an altar is a wonderful way to honor the essence of  Lammas/  Lughnasadh. Decorate it with symbols of  harvest such as grains, flowers or corn. Include items that represent abundance and gratitude, such as a white candle nestled in a bowl of rose hips to thank the ancestors. On mine? I plan to add a statue of the Mother Goddess made from straw...a gift from a beloved student.  Add a few shimmering tealight candles to evoke the vibrant energy of the season. 

July Full Moon 2024

Hello Beautiful Moonbeams!!!

Last month's full moon in Capricorn (closely following the summer solstice) marked a powerful astrological event that offered the opportunity for spiritual growth, transformation, and manifestation. And now, on July 21st, we welcome a rare Blue Moon in Capricorn. This phenomenon occurs when two consecutive lunar climaxes happen during Cancer season. 

 Full Moons are like bookends: Whatever began or was seeded during the first, will be revised or developed upon the 2nd one. With both in this determined & grounded earth sign, a light is shining on our long-term goals, professional life, and the necessary steps to achieve our ambitions. Having two consecutive full moons in the same sign is a truly exceptional occurrence that should be embraced and utilized to its fullest potential.   

Capricorn is represented by a figure that is part goat and part fish. The sea goat can climb the highest mountain as well as swim in the deepest seas. This duality serves them…the goat symbolizing the determination to steadily climb the path to achieve their goals while the fish has no problem diving into the emotional waters of inner wisdom seeking the guidance needed to light that path, ushering us to evolve in many ways. it is important to use this time to shine a light on your life and ask yourself what’s important and what’s not working anymore. The Sun in Cancer highlights our roots, home, and family, while the Moon in Capricorn stresses career, status, and community. In order to find the balance between both worlds, perhaps we have to be restrictive, bring something to an end, or face cold hard reality. It’s kind of like cleaning out your closet, saying goodbye to what doesn’t fit or feel good anymore. The Cancer Season Full Moons in Capricorn are all about recognizing that those hard choices can actually contribute to the life we want.

Tonight as you bathe in the energies of LaLuna, take time to connect with your Muladhara/Root Chakra and feel the ground beneath your feet. Spend time in a garden, or any enchanted and magickal place where you feel connected to Mother Earth. As you are held in the arms of the Mother energies of Cancer & Capricorn, you will be  reminded to be loving with yourself, to approach your responsibilities with devotion and to bring love to your work and all you must do…

Make this a Full Moon to dream about!

July New Moon

Hello Beautiful Souls….

The New Moon arrives on July 5th in its home, Cancer, making this lunation all the more pivotal and empowering. The time is ripe for inward reflection…tapping into the divine feminine waters of a Cancer Moon. You will find yourself drawn into the depths of your emotions…celestially guided by this water sign's intuitive and nurturing energy. The emotional “waves” remind us to reflect on our roots, strengthen bonds with loved ones and how we want to feel with our families and in our homes. It's not just about our personal abode but also about our interconnected home, the Earth.

In a world undergoing constant transformation, the influence of the Cancer moon invites us to establish our own sanctuary amidst the chaos. By delving into the depths of feminine waters, we are urged to cultivate spiritual practices, embrace compassion, and dismantle outdated systems. We are presented with a choice - to approach this journey with love and purpose or succumb to the turmoil of chaos. Cancer teaches us that love is not a weakness, but a formidable force that empowers us. When we feel secure and loved, we gain the resilience to confront life's trials with bravery. By focusing our thoughts, actions, and energies on manifesting the harmonious "home" we envision, we have the potential to co-create a serene and beautiful world for all.

Cancer is deeply connected to emotional security, nostalgia, and the concept of home. However, the shadow side of this attachment may manifest as a reluctance to step out of your comfort zone to pursue your dreams and ambitions. Just like a crab carries its home on its back, you may find yourself stuck in familiar territory. The conflicting emotions within you - love and rage, compassion and jealousy, safety and longing - can intensify your experiences.

It's essential to acknowledge this tendency and be open to change. Challenge yourself to break free from stagnant patterns in your life. Embrace the feminine energy within you to navigate your emotions and forge new connections. Observe your emotions carefully; they have something to communicate to you. Slow down and listen to your inner voice. Your emotional energy will guide you into the next phase of your life.

“Every time I slip into the ocean, it's like going home."

~Sylvia Earle


If possible, plan to spend some time by the sea. Listen to your heart. What is it telling you? Just listen. What dream seeds are you nourishing at this time? Just listen.

What reminds you of home? What makes you feel safe? The ocean will carry your wishes deep into the waters of the sea goddess.

Happy New Moon, Lovelies