Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, is a festival that marks the start of the harvest season as well as the halfway point between Litha, the Summer Solstice and Mabon, the Fall Equinox. This festival of light and gratitude, celebrated on the 1st of August, is the first of 3 autumn harvest festivals followed by Mabon (Sept. 21) and Samhain (Oct 31). Three gatherings of harvesting, of introspection, transition and transformation....all deeply tied into thanksgiving and gratitude...encouraging us to to take stock of our personal development, acknowledge what has been accomplished and identify areas where either growth is needed or releasing what no longer serves us.
At Lammas the Goddess is in Her aspect as Grain Mother, Harvest Mother, Harvest Queen, Earth Mother, Ceres and Demeter. Earlier civilizations used the day to thank the waning Sun for the wealth of the wheat harvest and bestow gratitude to the earth mother for the provided sustenance. And best of all, the translation of this holiday’s name literally means “Loafmass or "loaf feast.” Like a holiday about bread!! As we move through harvest, the turning of the wheel will bring both inner and outer gifts and insights to you. May the rest of your summer shimmer with bountiful delights.
With love & magick, Debbi
Rituals, Symbols & Things to Do
- · Gods & Goddesses: Lugh, Ceres, Demeter, Dionysus, Cerridwen.
- · Flowers & Herbs: fennel, sunflower, basil, honeysuckle, rosemary,
- Food: grains, bread, berries, grapes, wine.
- Crystals: carnelian, citrine, tiger’s eye, amber
- ·Create a Lammas Altar-objects, crystals, seasonal plants
- Bake a fresh loaf of bread
- Have a seasonal feast with family and friends
Create an Herb Pouch for Abundance
Gather the following:
- A green candle
- tbsp each of dried basil and dried peppermint
- Cinnamon stick
- Peridot stone
- 1 green pouch with string to tie it up
Light your candle while centering yourself. Now add each dried herb , the stone and cinnamon stick. Peppermint brings abundance and prosperity, while Basil brings abundance and success. Cinnamon...strength and lastly energy & wealth. Now tie up your pouch, hold it to your heart center, close your eyes and say: ‘Abundance and prosperity I wish to of the earth brings these gifts onto me. Close the ritual by acknowledging the Harvest Goddess as you allow your candle to burn down.
Craft your Lammas Altar
Crafting an altar is a wonderful way to honor the essence of Lammas/ Lughnasadh. Decorate it with symbols of harvest such as grains, flowers or corn. Include items that represent abundance and gratitude, such as a white candle nestled in a bowl of rose hips to thank the ancestors. On mine? I plan to add a statue of the Mother Goddess made from straw...a gift from a beloved student. Add a few shimmering tealight candles to evoke the vibrant energy of the season.