Hello Beautiful Souls

The cosmos has a captivating dance in store for us as we embrace the New Moon in surreal Virgo on September 2nd. The dark moon offers us a moment to pause, reflect, and realign with our deeper purpose. Virgo, an earth sign ruled by Mercury, is known for its practicality, precision, and deep connection to the physical and natural world.

There is an awakening happening. As we stand at the threshold of a new astrological cycle, we invite you to embrace the transformative energy that surrounds us. The earthy vibes of Virgo encourage us to cultivate a sense of grounding while remaining flexible to the changes that lie ahead.

Now is the perfect moment to set intentions that align with your journey of self-improvement, health, and wellness. Whether you are considering a new fitness routine, a dietary shift, or seeking balance in your work-life schedule, the universe has aligned to support this reassessment of your daily life before the cosmic outages of eclipse season arrive. Consider carving out sacred time for rituals that nourish your soul, whether that be through self-care, energy healing, or simply spending quiet time in reflection. Ask yourself what will support your highest growth? What will improve your overall health?

The Aquarian moon showed us that it is past time to heal our planet as well…a time to re-kindle the spirit, creating the life and world we desire. While the global chaos can at times feel overwhelming, confusing, and even scary, we are now also witnessing an unparalleled wave of awakening, a collective remembrance of a more balanced and harmonious way of being on our planet Self-worth is the cornerstone of this manifestation. Dive deep into your worthiness this new Moon to understand your true self-worth (SOLAR PLEXUS TIME, MY LOVES!), and what practices and rituals you can implement into your everyday life that will help you heal and create the life you want. You are more than worthy of everything you’ve ever wanted.


Summer’s over and the Wheel of the Year is now turning towards Mabon (fall equinox)-Harvest time. This new moon in Virgo will offer beautiful energy for us to work with…harvesting with gratitude all that we’ve gained and allowing all else to drop away. If the changes you are facing are challenging, take a moment to quiet your mind and connect with your inner self. Remember, beautiful yogis, when you allow your true self to shine through, your soul will truly sparkle!


Solar Plexus New Moon Virgo Ritual

The Solar Plexus or third chakra is our powerhouse. We are guided by the Virgin, who in essence is “a woman whole onto self” and a powerful reminder to focus on the strength we have within. Virgo rules digestion-the stomach, colon and intestines- all connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra.

From this center we gather our strong will to implement change, follow through, and go after our goals. The element of the Solar Plexus chakra is fire, and when we keep this fire burning strong, we have all we need to move up into our hearts and beyond with strength and unwavering will. When your Solar Plexus is open and strong, so are you. 

  1. Call in the energy of the new moon with gratitude, beckoning Her wisdom.

  2. Dab your Solar Plexus blend on your palms and Solar Plexus. 

  3. With your eyes closed, cup your palms and inhale the uplifting scent with long, deep breaths visualize inhaling the strength of your own power. Exhale audibly out your mouth and release anything you don’t want to carry. Repeat for 3 full breath cycles or until you feel centered and relaxed