Back into the watery depths we go with the Scorpio New Moon darkening the skies on November 1st. As the days lengthen and winds intensify, there comes a sweeping tide of transformation, ushering us into a time of healing, spiritual connection, and deep enlightenment. This is your opportunity to embrace the alchemy of the moment and step into your power like never before. With emotional tides at their peak, this moon brings the chance of a new beginning as we face the darkness of the season with a new sense of purpose.
November is generally known as the eleventh month in numerology. However, November’s collective numerology for 2024 is “10” symbolizing Karmic fulfillment, divine guidance, power and positive change. We are entering an era of massive energetic shifts, not only on a spiritual level but also within the political and social realms, as the structures of the old world continue to break down. This is THE month to break out the Tarot cards and seek out those spiritual vibes. It is no coincidence that the Scorpio New Moon is arriving while the veils are the thinnest and the season of the dark goddess has arrived.
For many witches, the veil remains thin year-round, but as the sun moves into Scorpio, a heightened awareness of the spirit realms comes alive, amplifying the energies of the “spooky season.” This period, known as Lunar Samhain, is the midpoint between the Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice and directly follows Halloween. This Scorpio Moon opens a very powerful Samhain Portal, marking a time of profound closure and release. In these coming months, through to the Winter Solstice, any endings, releasing of karmic patterns, and commitments to transformation will hold deep, lasting significance.
This month, you may find yourself embarking on a powerful journey of self-discovery, self-love, and transformation. Scorpio, the sign of depth and mystery, encourages us to look beneath the surface and embrace our shadows. Known for themes of death and rebirth, Scorpio teaches us that true self-love involves honoring all aspects of ourselves, even the ones we usually keep hidden. This shadow work is profound magic, empowering us to embrace our whole being. With fierce, transformative energy, Scorpio drives us to rise, like Shakti in her full power, or Kali bringing renewal and rebirth where it's needed most.
Whether you’re harnessing the energy for spell work, Sex magic (Scorpio rules the genitals) or enhancing your intuitive abilities, Scorpio season invites you to connect with your inner power and embrace your true self. Light some candles, grab your naughtiest toys and let’s explore the depths of Scorpio season together!
It’s said that in dark times, the power of light grows, just as candlelight seems to brighten when the lights go out. The new moon glows with an inner light of hope, determination, and courage. Light a candle or lamp on the New Moon to offer a light of peace and prosperity into the world.
This is a good time to celebrate these festivals and Goddesses days…
November 14 – Diwali (Hindu Festival of Light) Lakshmi, Goddess of Abundance honored
November 14 – Kali Worship Day- The Goddess who breaks down the old to make way for the new
November 16 –Night of Hecate-Goddess of Magic and the Crossroads
For your ritual work…
Herbs of the Scorpio Moon: sage, basil, bloodroot, devils club, hibiscus, patchouli, uva ursi, foxglove, hops, horsetail, nettles, grape root, catnip, coriander
Crystals of the Scorpio Moon: aquamarine, black tourmaline, labradorite, red jasper, rose quartz, sodalite