Hello Moonbeams!!!

The magical month of December has arrived, ushering in the year's final New Moon—a celestial event that beautifully bridges two months. This lunation rises at 10:21 p.m. PT on Nov. 30 and 1:21 a.m. ET on Dec. 1, perfectly aligning with the transition to a fresh calendar month. There's something special about the New Moon coinciding with the start of a new month, symbolizing a clean slate & the perfect time for fresh endeavors. This New Moon takes place in the adventurous and free-spirited sign of Sagittarius, inviting us to embrace new philosophies and expand our perspectives on life. While this dark moon won’t be visible in the night sky, its energy is potent and ideal for manifestation, calling in the intentions and goals you want to realize. Amid the uncertainties of today’s world, this lunar transit feels like a gift, offering us a chance to reset and reimagine our approach to life. It is the quintessential fresh-start energy that makes it easier to release the past and open to boundless possibilities ahead.

Reflecting on the past year, it’s clear it has been a whirlwind of uncertainty, challenges, and profound shifts. The cosmos has been delivering messages all along, urging us to embrace change, transformation, and growth. Now is the time to heed those calls. This New Moon marks a deeply healing cycle—like the Archer’s bow, it encourages you to aim with precision, focusing on intentions rooted in your deepest desires, personal truths, and fearless aspirations. Most importantly, it invites you to trust your inner vision. With Mercury retrograde in full swing during this New Moon, launching brand-new endeavors might feel a bit challenging. Miscommunications can arise, and areas like technology and travel may encounter hiccups. However, this doesn’t diminish the potential of this moment. Instead, use this New Moon’s energy to nurture the seeds of new dreams taking root within you. It’s a powerful opportunity to release outdated beliefs and worn-out ideals, creating space for fresh perspectives and possibilities as you step confidently into the new year. Let it serve as a gentle yet powerful reminder that with every chapter’s close, a new one begins. 

Want to align with the dark moon phase? Begin by reflecting on areas of your life where you’re ready to welcome change or crave greater freedom. Set intentions that align with Sagittarius themes of self-discovery and growth. Rituals like meditative journeys or envisioning future possibilities can help you connect with this lunar energy. Incorporate supportive tools such as crystals, herbs, or essential oils to deepen and enrich your spiritual practice. As the Wheel of the Year turns toward the Winter Solstice, it is time to embrace the quiet of the dark and consider the future. Our luminous Moon Goddess invites us to tune into our emotional selves, restore balance, and move forward with purpose. If you’ve been yearning for a significant transformation, this celestial energy is here to propel you toward it.

With 2024 nearing its end let this energy be your starting point—an opportunity to step boldly into something new. The best is yet to come. I feel it & I know it.