Magical Moon Garden
What could be more -enchanted- than to cultivate your own Moon Garden. Honoring the -Silver- Goddess in all her glory with a fragrant & luminous evening garden. A wonderful offering which you will benefit from as well. Many night-blooming flowers are white and rely on strong fragrance, rather than bright colors, to attract insects. Plant night-bloomers near a bedroom window, where the breeze can carry the fragrance indoors right into your dreams.
Plant some in a circle to mimic the Moon, they look terrific alongside silver-foliaged Lambs ears and Artemisia. Illuminated only by moonlight, pale flowers and foliage add a dreamy, ethereal feeling. You don’t need to have a big space, potted plants work too, just remember to add a trellis or place where vinery plants can grow onto, as, unless they feel secure they will not bloom.
You can save and dry flowers to use in Amulets, Talismans or -dress- a Moon candle. Add fresh flowers to a -special- oil you have fashioned on the Full Moon or to water for magical workings. Press flowers and leaves into a -Book of Shadows- or make magical bookmarks for special journals. Following a Moon planting calendar will add a magical touch and keep you in the flow of her cycles. You can place Moonstones and or Crystals in the dirt of these -pale- beauties to energize them for meditations and spells. Don’t forget when you take from a plant, to ask its permission and give thanks, an offering of water of food (plant) is a perfect -Thank you.
Try these night-bloomers in your Moon Garden:
⦁ Angels trumpet (Datura innoxia)- This vine annual has giant, trumpet-shaped, white flowers. You may need to discipline this rambunctious plant to keep it in line.
⦁ Moonflower (Ipomoea alba)- Related to morning glory, this annual may climb to 10 feet. Tightly closed by day, its white flowers unfurl at dusk to release a lemony aroma.
⦁ Four o'clock (Mirabilis jalapa) - In late afternoon, this annual's flowers pop open in often-speckled shades of red, yellow, white or rose. It grows bush-like to 3 feet.
⦁ Yucca (Yucca filamentosa) - Flowers of this spiky perennial are open all day, but at night the droopy blossoms lift and release a soapy smell. Hardy in zones 4 to 9.
⦁ Evening primrose (Oenothera speciosa 'Pink Petticoats')- This fast spreading perennial is hardy in zones 5 to 9, and its pale flowers release a sweet scent in the evening